Find quick answers to all your queries in our comprehensive FAQ section.
What is Flexi-Pave made of?
Flexipave is a 50/50 mix of recycled rubber derived from vehicle tyres, and natural stone aggregate. The dry elements are bound using KBI’s unique and exclusive binding agent.
Why is this an Eco-friendly Playgound Surface?
The use of recycled vehicle tyres within the material makes Flexipave extremely eco-friendly. With carbon reduction targets a huge factor in project developments, Flexipave is well-positioned to assist with hitting those milestones.
What is the life expectancy?
The playground surface can last up to 10 years or longer
Will colors fade over time?
There can be some color loss after many years of direct sunlight. We can offer to recolor at that time if you wish.
Is this expensive?
Flexi-Pave is comparable to other surfacing products but has many superior qualities to traditional playground surfaces and it is good for the environment!
How is it installed?
The manufacture has a video below of typical installation.
About Planning & Installation
How Long is the planning phase??
This really depends on the location and scop of the job. Please contact us for more information and an accurate time-frame.
Where do you do installations?
We are based out of Tampa Bay area but do installs all over the Eastern US.
Is the installation weather dependant?
Yes, preparing and installing will need dry conditions and minimum temperatures for the install.
Do you offer support after installation??
Yes, please reach out to us if you have and post installation issues, need repairs or re-coloring. We are here to help.